How Healing You has Healed the World
Number of New Native Trees Planted
Number of Trees & Their Local Ecosystem Saved
It all started when…
I was in college, after finishing Massage school, and continuing on with my Bachelors degree at Oregon State University, when I learned about Permaculture.
It changed my life. I had always been an environmental advocate, but through the Permaculture Principles, I learned how I could incorporate that reverence for the planet and everything that lives on it into every area of my life on a daily basis.
Care for the Earth, Care for People, & Care for Each other:
Click to Enlarge
So, I decided to make my business one that was healing, not only to people but to the planet as well. One that was sustainable, botanically-based, product-conscious, recycles/reduces waste, & gives back to the land and community. Where people who take time to take care of and heal themselves, were rewarded by knowing that the healing time they took for themselves, not only makes the world a better place (one person at a time) but would also be paid forward and shared with the planet.
I felt that trees were a perfect place to start, and after some reach, the project I chose to fund for this year was:
Planting & Protecting Native Trees all over the world and employing & educating the often impoverished locals to plant and tend them for their new livelihood.
Click the links for more info